Neoclassical - Soundtracks - Ambient - Krautrock - Jazz
"Semitjov - Serier, Science Fiction och Universums mysterier"
Thomas has been hired to make music to a documentary film about Swedish/Russian comic book artist Eugen Semitjov. The film will be directed by Micke...
For more information...
September 2021
"Semitjov - Serier, Science Fiction och Universums mysterier"
Thomas has been hired to make music to a documentary film about Swedish/Russian comic book artist Eugen Semitjov. The film will be directed by Micke Engström, who also did the documentary film about the artist Hans Arnol ("Hans Arnold - Penselns häxmästare") finished in 2019.
"Poland, by Tangerine Dream - an acoustic version"
Since May 2021 a video/acoustic student cover of Poland by Tangerine Dream is available on Youtube. Being a long time fan of the german group Tangerine Dream, Thomas arranged and recorded an acoustic version of this classic TD-song with students from Eskilstuna Kulturskola. The original is entirely electronic, and in contrast this version is purely acoustic.
Two older acoustic cover version of Tangerine Dream songs can be found here:
November 2019
"Go all the way - a film about Lester Levenson"
For the past two years Thomas has worked on his own documentary film. The film is about Lester Levenson, a modern American spiritual master who lived 1909-1994. The film consists mainly of interviews of people who met Lester. The music is naturally composed by Thomas, and the soundtrack is available at Bandcamp:
To watch the trailer of the film please visit:
March 2019
"Hans Arnold- Dokumentärenom penselns häxmästare"
Micke Engströms documentary about Hans Arnold is now finished and can be seen at several movie theatres around Sweden. For more information about where it is shown, to see the trailer and some reviews, please visit the link below.
Hans Arnold- Penselns häxmästare
November 2018
Music in Swedish Television
In November music by Thomas was featured in the scientific TV-show "Vetenskapens värld" by SVT.
"Hans Arnold- Dokumentärenom penselns häxmästare"
Since 2017 Thomas has been making music on and off to the Swedish documentary about artist Hans Arnold. The film is directed by Micke Engström, and it is estimated to be fihished in early 2019.
June 2018
Orchestra concert
On April 21 2018, Eskilstuna Symphony Orchestra played six of Thomas' compositions, during the concert "Filmtajm". The event was recorded and filmed, and can now be seen on Youtube. The six songs were Dolphin Dance, Carambola, Faust 2.0 Suite, Meningen med Hugo, Hermit: Monster Killer Suite and Vi byggs inifrån. The orchestra also played a number of well known film-tracks, that can also be found in the same playlist on Youtube.
February 2018
Music in Swedish television
During the Nobel festivities in Stockholm November 2017, music by Thomas could be heard during the SVT show about the banquet.
Music in film music concert
On April 21 2018, Eskilstuna Symphony Orchestra will play six soundtracks (parts of) by Thomas Rydell. Tickets can be purchased here:
September 2017
Music in Swedish television
From September-October 2017, Thomas' music can be heard in the SVT show "Jenni möter".
Music in film music concert
In 2018, Eskilstuna Symphony Orchestra will play several compositions by Thomas, in a film music concert. The orchestra will play music from Faust 2.0, Meningen med Hugo, Hot Dog, Hermit - Monster Killer, Art of Life, and possibly some more films.
April 2017
Music in Swedish television
On February 7, this particular episode of the SVT show Gokväll used only music by Thomas.
Music in Netflix show
During spring 2017 Thomas worked with several music tracks that will be included in the Netflix show "Shot in the dark".
December 2016
Music in Swedish television
During autumn 2016, Thomas' music could be heard in SVT show Korrespondenterna.
Neti Neti Media.
Thomas is currently working with music to a documentary by San Francisco-based company Neti neti Media. The music is expected to be finished in February 2017.
Caelia Clinic
Thomas was commissioned by Caelia Clinic in Strängnäs, to make music to the coorporate slideshow.
May 2016
Music in Swedish television
During spring 2016, a lot of Thomas music could be heard in SVT shows like Korrespondenterna, Mitt Sverige and Mitt Ögonblick.
More music to Neti Neti Media.
More music has been delivered to San Francisco based production company Neti Neti Media. This is an ongoing assignment.
Hermit, Monster Killer
The music to Swedish low budget creature feature "Hermit, Monster Killer" is now finished and delivered. The film is directed by Ola Paulakoski.
March 2016
Science and nonduality
During winter 2015/16 Thomas contributed with music to another short documentary by Neti Neti Media, called Full embrace of life.
Mitt Sverige (SVT2)
During the first weeks of 2016, a lot of Thomas' music can be heard in Mitt Sverige (Swedish television SVT2), a documentary series about Sweden today.
Website music
During February 2016, Thomas did website music to House of Graphics in Eskilstuna, Sweden.
Hermit, Monster Killer
Thomas has been hired to make music to the Swedish low budget creature feature "Hermit, Monster Killer", directed by Ola Paulakoski.
September 2015
Royal wedding music
Some of Thomas music could be heard during the Royal Wedding in Stochkholm June 12-13. The wedding was broadcasted in several differenc countries.
The Travel Channel
During summer 2015, Thomas did the music to several episodes of a travel show, that will be seen in The Travel Channel later this year.
Swedish pilot film
TDP studios has hired Thomas to make music to an upcoming pilot film about todays surveillance society. More info will be presented later.
PS of Sweden
During summer 2015 Thomas did the music to a commercial about PS of Sweden.
April 2015
Music in "Radionhjälpen"
Thomas' music can be heard in a television spot about "Radiohjälpen", a Swedish non profit organization, regarding money donation to the victims of the war in Syria. It was featured in Swedish television, SVT2, during spring 2015.
Rays of the Absolute
San Francisco based production company Neti Neti Media used Thomas music in a documentary about Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. The full documentary was posted on Youtube during spring 2015:
January 2015
Music in Swedish Television SVT
A lot of Thomas' music could be heard in SVT shows (Swedish television) Gokväll, and different shows for Children during December 2014 and January 2015.
Faust 2.0 DVD release
Swedish Horror Anthology Faust 2.0 (Thomas' music included) is now available as DVD and Blu-ray:
September 2014
Music in Swedish Television SVT
The opening music to the Swedish TV-show "Eldsjälar" is composed by Thomas, and can be heard during fall 2014 in Swedish Television SVT2.
Faust 2.0 premiere
The world premiere of the feature length horror film Faust 2.0 (to which Thomas did music) will take place at "Lund International Fantastic Film Festival". At the same time the film will be shown at "Bloody weekend" in Copenhagen. It will also be shown during "Monsters of film" in Stockholm, October 17-19, and during "Night Visions" October 29-November 2. Dvd and Blu-ray release will be December 3.
April 2014
Cannes Filmfestival 2014
In May Thomas will attend the Cannes film festival, along with crew members behind Faust 2.0, a feature length film by several different directors. The film was previously called "Killer App" but is now known as Faust 2.0.
Music for SVT
More of Thomas' music could be heard in Swedish Television during fall and winter 2013/14, for example in "Gokväll".
July 2013
Music for SVT
A lot more music by Thomas Rydell could be heard in several TV-shows by Swedish Television during winter and spring 2013. For example, in Eurovision song contest (which was held in Sweden this year), Thomas' music was featured in the Lynda Woodruff (featuring Sarah Dawn Finer) comedy sketches, that introduces Sweden in a fun way.
Being Human 2013
In September 2013 Thomas' music will be heard in San Francisco at Being Human 2013. The conference is a daylong exploration of human nature in the light of cutting edge science, philosophy and evolution. Being human will feature many prominent speakers, including ex Tangerine Dream member Peter Baumann.
"Killer app" episode film on DVD.
Thomas is making the music to a new DVD featuring several directors, that will each make a short film on the same theme. Combined, all episodes will form a feature length film that will be released on DVD by Njutafilms. The film is called "Killer app", and Thomas' music will be featured in the episodes by Micke von Engström and Johannes Pinter.
September 2012
Music for SVT
More music by Thomas Rydell can be heard in "Gokväll", Swedish Television (SVT2) during summer and autumn 2012.
Meningen med Hugo in SVT
In June 2012 the feature length comedy "Meningen med Hugo" (by Björn Engström and Henrik Elmér, and to which Thomas did the soundtrack), could be seen in national Swedish Television (SVT). In June 2012 the feature length comedy "Meningen med Hugo" (by Björn Engström and Henrik Elmér, and to which Thomas did the soundtrack), could be seen in national Swedish Television (SVT).
Electronic Circus
Thomas will attend Electronic Circus music festival in Gütersloh, Germany, during September 2012. At the festival Thomas and Uwe Cremer will promote their new CD "Sirius Singularity".
March 2012
Music to another short film by Johannes Pinter
Filmmaker Johannes Pinter has once again hired Thomas to make the music to his new short film "Baby Killer". The music is estimated to be finished in April 2012.
A short film about Sörmland
Thomas has been hired by Cinevent/Peter Holthausen and TDP Studios to make the music to "Sörmlandsgrytan", a short film that introduces "Sörmland" (the region south of Stockholm) in a new and inspiring way.
Music featured in Swedish television
Music by Thomas Rydell can be heard in the SVT show "Gokväll" during March 2012.
Music to a dark sci-fi
During winter 2011/2012 Thomas did the music to a Swedish sci-fi called Element, by filmmaker Oskar Johansson and Scenkonstbolaget i Sundsvall. The film is now in post production, and is expected to be finished during 2012.
October 2011
Music to a US commercial featuring Dragonframe
Thomas has been hired to make the music to a US based commercial featuring a stop motion software called Dragonframe. The music is somewhat minimalistic in charachter, similar to the music of Philip Glass. The software is developed by Jamie and Dyami Caliri.
Music to a Swedish sci-fi trailer
TDP-studios is making a trailer to an upcoming sci-fi feature called "VFSS Hope". Thomas is hired to make the music to the trailer, as well as to the feature film. The trailer is currently in post production and the production of the feature film is planned to start in early 2012.
April 2011
Music for "Pigment"
Filmmaker Johannes Pinter hired Thomas to make the music for his thriller "Pigment". Johannes started the project in 2006, and is now in post production. The music will be somewhat influenced by the music of filmcomposer Thomas Newman.
Music to Science and Nonduality DVD Volume 2
Thomas has composed music for "Science and Nonduality Anthology Volume 2", by Neti Neti Media. The 3 DVD set includes interwiews with leading scientists and spiritual teachers. The DVD set is a sequel to SAND Volume 1, to which Thomas also made the music last year.
Thomas Rydell Music 10 years!
To celebrate this Thomas is planning to make a soundtrack collection CD. Stay tuned for more updates soon.
December 2010
Music for SVT
During Autumn/Winter 2010 a lot of Thomas music can be heard in the SVT (Swedish Television) show "Sverker rakt på". Look for Thomas' name in the end credits.
"Meningen med Hugo"
The work with the music to feature length Comedy Meningen med Hugo by filmmakers Björn Engström and Henrik Elmér continues. The music to the film is expected to be finished in January 2011.
"Från Bellman till Razz II"
Harmonica player Mikael Rasmussen is making another CD, a sequel to last years CD entitled "Från Bellman til Razz". The CD features songs by well known Swedish composers such as Evert Taube and Bellman, as well as traditional songs and some of his own compositions.
August 2010
Music to Science and Nonduality DVD
Thomas has composed music for a 3 DVD set called "Science and Nonduality Anthology Volume 1", which includes 21 interwiews with leading scientists and spiritual teachers. The production company was looking for Philip Glass sounding music for the DVD.
Music to "Meningen med Hugo"
Thomas has been hired to make the music to the Swedish feature length Comedy Meningen med Hugo by filmmakers Björn Engström and Henrik Elmér. The production of music will take place during autumn 2010.
"Den som knackar" concluded
Martin Munthes ghost feature "Den som knackar" is almost finished. The music has been recorded and delivered, and we are now looking forward to its release.
June 2010
Music for Swedish Television SVT
During Spring 2010 Thomas did some more music for Swedish Television SVT, this time to Dokument inifrån (documentary about health care in Sweden) and Vetenskapens värld (documentary about Tjernobyl).
February 2010
Freak Kitchen New CD
Guitar-superhero Mattias IA Eklundh and his band Freak Kitchen has recently released their new CD "Land of the freaks". The album features a string arrangement by Thomas Rydell in the song "Ok". The official video is available here:
"Från Bellman till Razz"
During Autumn and Winter 2009/2010 Thomas did the recording and arrangements to harmonica player Mikael Rassmussens new CD "Från Bellman till Razz". The CD features songs by well known Swedish composers such as Evert Taube and Bellman as well as traditional songs and some of his own compositions.
DVD abour horseback riding
In early 2010 Thomas did music to a coorperate DVD regarding horseback riding. Production company is TV Bålsta Enköping (Sweden).
Vetenskapens värld/Nobel
During November 2009 Thomas composed music to SVT (Swedish Television) Vetenskapens värld regarding the Nobel Prize.
"Den som knackar" continued
The work with music to Martin Munthes ghost feature "Den som knackar" will continue through spring 2010. The film is expected to be finished during 2010.
September 2009
Anisa International coorperate film
During August 2009 Thomas composed music to a coorperate film about one of the leading cosmetic designers and manufacturers; Anisa International. The company is US based but the film was shot in their factory in China by production company Digital Tsunami (Australia). The film has already been screened at the Health and Beauty America 09 expo in New York.
Other updates
The work with music to the film "Livet nästa" by TDP-studios will continue through September. The music will feature vocals by Karin Bertling who is also playing a character in the film. The work with music to Martin Munthes ghost feature "Den som knackar" will also continue through autumn 2009.
July 2009
Livet nästa
TDP-studios and Thomas Dahlin will make a short film called "Livet nästa" during summer 2009, and Thomas Rydell is hired to compose the music. The film will most likely be shown at Göteborg Filmfestival 2010 and in Swedish Television (SVT). Composing the music will be a challange as it will feature as different musical styles as medieval music, orchestral music and futuristic electronica.
Den som knackar
Filmmaker Martin Munthe is on the loose again, this time with a feature length ghost movie filmed in 3D. The film is called "Den som knackar", and Thomas has been hired to do the music during 2009. Inspiration for the score is Bela Bartoks "Music for strings, percussion and celesta" and Fabio Frizzis soundtrack to "The beyond".
April 2009
No Matter What release
The Chinese feature length drama No matter What by Oscar Petersson (to which Thomas Rydell did both the music sound design), will be released on DVD in Sweden on April 22 and in Norway and Denmark July 15. Release dates for other countries are not yet decided.
The soundtrack was partly recorded in Detroit and features the very talented Xiao Dong Wei, who plays the traditional instruments Erhu and Guzheng. The soundtrack also features a re-recording of Emilias monster hit Big Big World, but this time in Mandarin.
Samarkandas fiol
Filmmaker Santiago Pinto is in post production with his short film Samarkandas fiol and has hired Thomas to arrange and record music for his film. Originally Santiago and Thomas started working together in 2005, but the work was postponed due to lack of money. Now things are on the move again and Samarkandas Fiol is scheduled to be finished during 2009.
Thomas Rydell Music at Drömfabriken
Thomas Rydell Music will join forces with Thomas Dahlin from TDP-studios and promote filmmaking in Sörmland at the annual film seminar weekend Drömfabriken at FIlmhuset, Stockholm, April 23-25. If you are there come up and say hello to us!
December 2008
Thomas Rydell Ensemble CD out in time for Christmas
Thomas Rydell Ensemble has released a new album called "Kvällstoner" (Evening Music). The CD contains three live recordings performed by TRE from 2007 to 2008. The music itself is ambient and minimalistic and performed with classical instruments combined with discreet live loop-sampling.
The ensemble and instrumentation is flexible and we have also incorporated choir and dance in our performances on occation. The CD got excellent reviews from one of the biggest papers in Sweden recently (SvD).
August 2008
Wet Dreams
Thomas is making music to Steven Willis documentary "Wet Dreams" featuring Rebecca Romijn (X-men/Femme Fatale/The Punisher). The music will replace some well known songs that otherwise would have been too expensive to use. The music will be recorded and edited in September 2008 with live musicians.
The documentary follows Rebecca Romijn and Steve Willis as they approach Wet Design, the creators of the Bellagio fountain, with their dream to choreograph a fountain show. Their idea is to create a show to music that "builds" - specifically Ennio Morricone's "Ecstasy of Gold" from "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly." Despite numerous attempts to contact WET Design, the creator of the fountain, they were unable to reach the firm's founder, Mark Fuller, until Romijn made an on-air plea on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno. WET Design engineer Peter Kopik translated Romijn's ideas to a computer system that emulates the fountain, "Virtual WET," and finally to the fountain itself. The final tests at Bellagio proved so successful that the piece was added to the fountain's regular show schedule.